Our two ducks came from Walmart, but we bought them at a yard sale. They didn't cost much and they are nice to have around. They are always there for us.
This time of year other ducks come to visit our two ducks. They are always there for them, too.
A great blue heron stopped by once this past summer (it may have visited before, but I never saw it).
A great blue heron sitting in a pine tree is quite a sight — a bit awkward as it tries to get all its legs properly placed. Probably not something it had hoped for me to see, flopping about unbalanced. Our two ducks seemed completely unaware. They remained calm.
Other ducks visit the pond, and our two ducks are pretty much ignored. The others paddle about and quack a few times, then leave. But our two ducks seem very content to float peacefully. They enjoy one another and never go too far, but that could be the lead weights attached to their bottoms.
The fall colors reflected in the pond water really go well with the colors of our two ducks. Although, if I had it to do over, I would have preferred something a little more deep green (sort of an L.L. Bean green) with interspersed shades of mauve and yellow, perhaps a touch of burnt umber.
Yard sales don't always afford many choices, though. We accepted that. Our colorful ducks have faded a little.
The winter months are hard on our two ducks, especially when the ice gets thick. Last winter they sank, or at least they disappeared. Maybe we should remove the lead from their bottoms in late November.