What's the first thing you notice about this photograph? Is it the power lines? Ugh. I know. I would have tried to eliminate them with some fancy Photoshop magic, but I don't know how and figure it would take me 87 hours to learn. And then it would probably look like jet contrails ghosting across the front of the buildings!
Is it the way the buildings tilt in on the corners due to improper lens correction with my fancy digital SLR? This too could be corrected, either by using a different lens or, again, in Photoshop. But, I chose to share my “uncorrectednesses” with you hoping that your will overlook my shortcomings and be reminded of one of the most identifiable landmarks in the Harbor.
I have photographed this monument over the years in many ways. From the water during the day. From across the Harbor at night. During weddings. After weddings. With people. Without people. During funerals. During baptisms. From the balcony with Jane Conley (which almost always led to big trouble), and without Jane (still not safe). With organist Vi Daniels, Father Marcel Chouinard and other fathers. From the air. From the back. On the outside stairs. From the Memorial Park. From the Town pier across the street.
And yet, I still enjoy photographing it. I never did make the obligatory image of the moon rising over it. Oops — I take it back. I did do that. In fact, I made my photo the night the Red Sox won the pennant. It was one of those big moons. I believe I titled the photo “The Red Sox Moon” and used it in our calendar. I'm a Pittsburgh Pirates fan from childhood so it was sort of anticlimactic for me. But I was happy for all the Red Sockers up here.
Anyway. Check out Our Lady Queen of Peace, especially at sunset. Don't she pop! So cool to be seen upon a return from out to sea, like coming back from Monhegan. That's about the extent of my “out to sea,” but it is a lovely sight.
To see the inside superstructure of beams is worth the price of admission. Closed now though.