I think November is kind of a weird month. It seems to arrive in a sort of stealth way, sneaking in through the back door with little notice and a few surprises. So far, this November has, true to form, settled in and fiddled about with all variety of annoying and pleasant weather and events.
Take for example, the photograph accompanying this week’s adventure. Incredibly clear and mild, literally a T-shirt day. The image was made from the dock at Bristol Marine, the old Sample yard, looking south toward Burnt Island with Cuckolds Light floating in the distance. Dazzling bright sun, sparkling and dancing on the waters all over an almost totally vacant harbor. It was a beautiful day. And that reminds me of a song. One of my all time favorites by the group, imagine this, “It's a Beautiful Day!” “White Bird” is the title of the song. If you can ever find it, please have a listen — vinyl or the internet will turn it up.
Anyway, this day was a November gift. But it was followed by high winds, rain and sub freezing temperatures. The real November gift, it seems to me, is unpredictability. Revving us up for winter but clinging just enough to fall to be hopeful. Ugh. My body thermostat has troubles enough. Dress for winter and get summer. Dress for summer and get cold. Thank goodness for climate control in our vehicles where the weather outside is of little consequence. Saves me every time.
Part of the accompanying scene above that pleases me most is the presence of the Jacob Pike. We just lost the classic vessel Glenn-Geary. I love these boats. And if I understand correctly, the Jacob Pikewill work in our area. A happy November surprise.