Before exploring the Cunningham farm, I’d like to share a brief experience regarding my flawless memory!
Several months ago I lost or misplaced my favorite Ray Ban sunglasses. I was very sad. They are great glasses. A few days ago I popped the hood on my 2003 VW Jetta to check the oil. Right there, on top of the air cleaner cover, sat my glasses, 3, 000 miles after oil changing. It was a long and winding road my friends. I’m thinking maybe I should just keep glasses there until my next oil change so I won’t know where to find them!
Moving right along...
Nancy Lowell, aka Mrs. Cunningham, the Cunningham farm stand proprietress, is from Rangeley Maine. Our family’s Aunt Bea MacLeod taught her to downhill ski at Saddleback. Aunt Bea taught children to ski and ran the “Lollypop Races” until she was 80 years old. She loved the mountain, as did we and as does Nancy’s Rangeley family. We still hope the mountain will reopen.
Charles Cunningham did not learn to ski at Saddleback. I’m not sure he even knows how to ski, but he does know something about the family farm. He’s been around it all his life and it has been in the family since the 1800s. It is not an insignificant parcel. The original farm stretched between Route 27 and Cross River, still does. At one time, much of the land was being used for crops and animal grazing. Not as much now — it is still used for growing but more gardens are planned. It is good to know that the productive soils still exist but they have lain dormant for many years. It is just a matter of time before new plots will be reopened and farmed. Small steps.
The farm stand is on a speedy stretch of Route 27, so if you are headed out of town for a fast Walmart shop, keep your eyes open on the left just before Boothbay Animal Hospital, for 295 Wiscasset Road. And, when you are returning from a shopping binge, or a visit to “Five Guys,” watch your right side, just after the Animal Hospital. And, if you have an animal … never mind!
The stand is open seven days a week for three more days. Then, in the fall, open weekends, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wonderful local fresh foods await you. And, as Big Al would say, “DOOON’TTT MISS IT!”