Diane Randlett visited Lynette Page’s back field of dame’s rocket back before the Boothbay Register was printing photographs in color. Diane made a great black and white photo, which showed how the plant was making a home at the Page house. My photograph, when compared to Diane’s, really shows how the plant has spread, even into the neighbor’s yard, Mrs. Page pointed out.
I learned of this field of dame’s rocket through a phone call from Jan Beaver, over on Union Street in the Harbor. She mentioned seeing the vast array of blooms and suggested I visit.
“Dame’s what?” I said, thinking that she had said “dam’s Pocket.” Must have been a bad connection. Jan and I don’t talk often.
I thought maybe I had forgotten to deliver a photo and she called to remind me. But, we got it all sorted out, and remarkably, I knew what she was talking about.
Years ago another acquaintance, singer-songwriter Kate Schrock, created a CD titled “Dame’s Rocket.” I had no idea what it was at the time, and I never investigated the title’s origin. It seemed a bit peculiar at the time, but then, I’m not the sharpest knife in the musical drawer.
So, it was pretty cool to hear from Jan, and I wasted no time dropping in on Mrs. Page, who turns out to be my old pal Martin Page’s aunt. She was very nice and shared some family stories, which included her visit, along with Martin and other family members, to their old home place on Swan’s Island.
The “rockets” are poised to launch anew. New territory to be acquired.