2025 Calendar Letter
Photo by: Canon
Well ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I’m afraid the weather theme of calendars past continues. Year 2024 managed to reveal interesting patterns in Mother Nature’s reminder of who is boss. She, once again left no stone unturned as we experienced unusual, and in some cases, quite damaging weather related events. Less snow, high winds, ocean uproars and milder than “normal” temperatures for winter months. I’m not prepared to accept these trends as the way things are sure to be, down the road, but I must add that in our 50 years of life here in the region, things are surely different in the weather department.
One notable loss, after Ocean Point took a serious hit from some powerful winter storms, was the departure of the remaining tree at “Three Trees”. This loss has been frequently noted by many fans of Ocean Point with a multitude of documentations by local ( and distant) observers. This was a landmark spot which, over the years, has hosted many adventurous gatherings. People have shared photos, poems, and stories about memories recorded over the years. It truly is a significant loss for “The Point” and the many people who have visited. The surf that attacked Ocean Point during three winter storms was too much for the last remaining spruce and like many properties along Shore Road, there was no way to protect the ferocity of the seas. The powerful south southeast ocean storms and winds are the most damaging for us, and many waterfront locations took a real hit, many more than once! Repairs are in the works for locations throughout the region and along the coast-- it will be a long process which will require new approaches to prepare for future visits from the Great Mother.
In comparison, I believe, with regard to the weather in other areas of the country, we have much to be grateful for. Consider California rains and snows, and the violent storms in the south. But even here, in parts of Maine, the weather has really had an impact on local streams washing out roads and messing with snow for the ski areas and snow sled industries, not to mention the cancellation of the sled dog races up in the County. I think, in many ways, that we are transitioning to different weather patterns, at least as observed during recent times. Perhaps this is just a blip in the long view of weather history. It will be interesting to see how things go down the road. Stay tuned --- prepare for the worst and hope for the best!
Elsewhere, for us, things chug along. Our family is doing ok. Our new pup “Leica” is now three years old and full of energy. She now sleeps on the couch downstairs preferring it to her crated home in our bedroom. She made this decision without warning and has been quite emphatic--- “I’m a big girl and this is how it will be!” “Like it or lump it, but this is my couch now.” And so it goes. She still visits in the morning with a running three quarter jackknife launch onto the bed. Wow!
The Southport bridge refurbishing has been going on throughout the winter, The CIANBRO group works diligently, advancing the cause --- they are a hard working bunch. At this writing they have pulled out most of the old wooden superstructure on either side of the bridge and are installing new metal grid work on the portion of the bridge that turns. Its a tedious process but traffic adjusts. I’m not sure what’s in store for the summer season so boats can pass and summer visitor volume surges. Its a big project.
Our family continues to gather on wonderful Monhegan Island for a week in August. It’s the best most special place for all of us and we so look forward to the time together. We resemble The Beverly Hillbillies packing off for the next adventure as we load aboard the Balmy Days in Boothbay Harbor. Boxes, bags, totes, backpacks and suitcases abound. We even purchased a doggie back pack so Leica can contribute! It makes her nuts to be all wrapped up in fabric and velcro but she adjusts with compliments and treats! Our dear extended family friend Kevin Kiley even manages to join us for a couple days despite his demanding schedule at the Boothbay Harbor Opera House. His company is such a treat.
Morgan and Andrei continue to focus efforts on “The Old Firehouse” up in Boothbay. Morgan is really enjoying the downstairs space for a studio and gallery and her ever popular “Flow” activities. Check out her website at www.mitchellandcomaine.com. She even displays some of her old poppy’s photography work! Andrei keeps busy with projects and continues to advance his car rental business. Additionally, Morgan and Andrei and an ever growing group of “Little Dippers” venture into the icy waters at Hendricks Head on Southport all winter long, when water temperatures flirt with the low 40’s! The dedicated dippers wade off the beach clad in summer bathing suits and often stay in the water for ten minutes returning to shore purple and joyous! It’s quite a site.
Mae and Ben continue to be involved in theater and acting in New York. Ben had parts in a couple Off Broadway productions and Mae appeared in some film parts with ex Bennington alum. She has also taken some part time work at “Cure Thrift”, a non profit in the East Village, selling high end second hand items with proceeds benefiting Type 1 diabetes. She is well suited for busy sales action with the public and has met some fascinating people. She still also spends time in Brooklyn, near where she and Ben live, helping support a family she loves and has been with for many years. In addition to film and acting endeavors, Ben is working as a librarian in a Brooklyn high school, expecting to further his certification credentials.
Susan continues her much valued work with families in the area seeking support for elders in need of some assistance. She is quite busy but enjoys her time with many special people and families who welcome her help and understanding.
So, now, on to a new year with hopes that our calendar will provide adequate representations of this magnificently special place. We are very fortunate and grateful for your support and interest in the beauty of Maine. We send our best wishes and hope that the calendar days are full of good and happy memories.
With love and sincere thanks. Be well.
The Mitchell Crew
As always, a portion of the proceeds from calendar sales will be set aside for “Teens to Trails” so young people can enjoy Maine. Yay!